Bald Hills Bushies
Barungwarra Bushland Reserve, Bald Hills, Brisbane

What’s Happening - 2018B


Work continues on the new Barungwarra boat ramp car park.

© B. Clifford for Bald Hills Bushies 2020 Tree beds are referenced by the name used by bushies to identify them. Names and locations of these beds are indicated on the maps.
Tuesday 16th October 2018 - There was no further action by the Tree clearing company. today.. However a check of the remains of the St Paul’s bed revealed something surprising. Barungwarra hosts a scout orienteering course. The course starts at the 20 year plaque and has 9 legs. Scouts are given a list with the bearing and distance to the next marker. the course finishes on the edge of the St Paul’s bed. Incredibly, despite the total destruction of the St Paul’s bed, the final marker is still in it’s place. The surveyors have marked out the route for the new footpath. Here are some photos Join from the existing path near the gate Curves round towards the St Paul’s bed Cuts across a corner of the St Paul’s bed Curves around in front of the 20 year plaque and runs along the front of the Railway Bed Splits into 2 approx half way along the railway bed One arm curves back round the Railway bed and joins up with the path from the roadway The other arm joins the path towards the dog tap. The new footpath cuts through the sandy area where we have been un ble to get the grass to grow, There could be a site for a new bed in the area formed by the two branches of the new footpath and the existing path. . Wednesday 17th October 2018 - The last pile of cleared vegetation as been chipped and we hjave an even bigger pile of mulch now. Hewever, we have also had a visit from the Sandbag traimees who have moved a large volumn of Monday’s mulch onto the bed neat the dog water tap. Watch this space - Another report tomorrow
On this page, reference is made to various beds by name. Check out the maps page for the location of these beds
BCC have delivered their site van and picked a shady spot for it. We were concerned thwt the two Bush Turkey’s would become distressed and abandon their nests. They both seemed to be in residence today Railway Bed Turkey Roadside mound turkey. Link to Next Page - 2018C
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